Pre-Check My Script
My Role: UX Researcher | October 2023
The onboarding team wanted to understand if producing a feature where members could check the price and availability of their prescribe medication prior to having Optum Rx as their pharmacy benefit manager is valuable.
Terms to know
Pre-check: The ability for a Optum Rx member to see if their current prescribed medication will be covered once they onboard to their new pharmacy benefit manager (Optum Rx)
Enhanced onboarding = An initiative in Optum to create a better onboarding experience for new OptumRx customers. This enhanced experience would allow members to set up their account, manage medication disruptions, and any other task all prior to their plan’s go live date.
OptumRx = a full-service prescription drug benefit provider and a mail service pharmacy through home delivery.
N=# = the entire participant populations tested
(n=#) = sample symbol for the number of participants of the full user group that represent the finding
Things to keep in mind
No client data is being shown in any of the images below.
The target audience for this presentation was a project team which consisted of a UX designer, UI designer, UX manager, copywriter, director of product management, two product managers, and two developers.
Research Goals
Understand if users look up their current medication, how often they do this, why and what they expect to see
Discover if searching a medication name is intuitive first step when looking up medication coverage
Access the medication results page to understand if the price, type of medication and filters were understood
Find out if users value price and location of medication over medication details
Uncover if users would use this feature and in what situations
Methodology & Participants
Timeline: October 9 – 29, 2023
Methodology: Unmoderated usability test, ‘Think Aloud’ test 5 tasks over 3 different screens
Platform: MUIQ – Testing Figma desktop prototype
Participants: N=25, all have a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), have at least 1 prescription medication, and manage their own healthcare
Limitations: method resulted in questions skipped or unanswered due to participants not reading tasks during sessions
Research Tasks
Task 1: What steps would you take to change your location?
Task Goal: Able to locate city and state with zip code
Total # of Participants*: N=25
Task Success Rate: 92% (23 pass, 2 fail)
Task 2: What steps you would take to discover if the medication Lipitor was covered by your plan?
Task Goal: Able to use search bar
Total # of Participants*: N=12
83% (10 pass, 2 fail)
Task 3: What medication option has the lowest price?
Task Goal: Able to locate Lipitor 90- day supply as the lowest cost medication
Total # of Participants*: N=21
90% (19 pass, 2 fail)
Task 4: If you wanted to see more information about the medication Atorvastatin, where would you click?
Task Goal: Able to locate Atorvastatin tile
Total # of Participants*: N=22
100% (22 pass, 0 fail)
Task 5: If you wanted to use Walgreens, what would you do?
Task Goal: Able to locate Walgreens tile
Total # of Participants*: N=17
94% (16 pass, 1 fail)
*Represents the number of participants out of 25 that read the task
Top Themes
Most participants do look up the price of their current prescriptions to compare prices amongst different sites to see if they can find a better price
Changing location and searching a medication was an intuitive interaction to participants on the check and coverage page
Medication prices were clearly shown which provided participants an easy way to see which medication had the lowest price
Drug details (filter section) was stated to be a highly used section
Participants want an easy way to compare 30 and 90-day cost, across all medication options
Most commonly this feature would be used when participants receive a new medication
When rating if their provider understands what medication is covered by average score was 2.8 out of 5 or neither agree or disagree
Most participants do look up the price of their current prescriptions (n=14)
The top reason they look up their prescription is to compare the prices to see if they can find a better price on a different site.
The information participants expect to see when looking up if their medication is covered by their pharmacy benefit manager is:
Medication name
If the medication is a brand, generic or alternative medication
Dosage amount
30-day (n=11) or 90-day (n=12) price
Task 1 & 2: Changing location and searching for Lipitor
Task 1 wording: What steps would you take to change your location? Task 2 wording: What steps you would take to discover if the medication Lipitor was covered by your plan?
Image 1: on the enhanced onboarding portal for Optum Rx this would be screen shown when searching a medication to see if it is covered
A few participants wanted to click on plan options and select the plan they are in prior to searching the drug name (n=6) since they couldn’t click and change it, they thought ‘GOLD’ was their plan (n=4)
The search box was an intuitive first step to look up if a medication is covered
Around half of participants did not read the task regarding switching their location (n=13). If the task was read, most were able to figure out how to change their location (n=10).
Recommendation for Page
No changes
Data Collected
Task 1: N=25, 92% Success Rate (23 pass, 2 fail)
Task 2: N=12* 83% Success Rate (10 pass, 2 fail)
*Represents the number of participants out of 25 that read the task
Task 3: Finding the lowest Price
Task 3 wording: What medication option has the lowest price?
Image 2: on the enhanced onboarding portal for OptumRx this would be step two after they have searched for the medication ‘Lipitor’
Generic, brand and alternative category headers stood out and were easily understood (n=17)
Price (n=7) and ‘covered by my plan were seen as great addition to the page and helpful to have (n=7)
Participants were able to decipher the medication with the lowest price by doing mental math
64% of participants stated they would use the drug details section (n=16)
24 of participants did not understand the header ’Package size (3ml plastic)’ (n=6)
Most thought the choices were preselected because they were the most common choice (N=16)*
Recommendation for Page
Clarify ‘package size (3ml plastic)’ to explain what the category means
Data Collected
Task 3: N=21*, Success Rate 90% (19 pass, 2 fail)
*Represents the number of participants out of 25 that read the task
Task 4 & 5: Finding the lowest price
Task 4: If you wanted to see more information about the medication Atorvastatin, where would you click? Task 5: If you wanted to use Walgreens, what would you do?
Image 3: in the enhanced onboarding portal on Optum Rx this would be the screen shown after a user would click on ‘Atorvastatin’ on image 2.
Section A was immediately read through (n=20) with ‘additional info’ being seen as the most useful (n=8)
Costco not being covered stood out (n=11) many stated they would avoid this option because it is not covered
If Walgreens was selected most participants expected to start the process of placing an order (n=7) or being directed to the Walgreens site (n=4)
To all the most important section to participants was the bottom section ‘B’ (N=22)* and they would prefer to see it at the top (n=13)
Recommendations for Page
Data Collected
Task 4: N=21*, Success Rate 90% (19 pass, 2 fail)
Task 5: N=21*, Success Rate 90% (19 pass, 2 fail)
* ID 9,10,14 were removed due to not seeing the Medication Information page
Post-Test Questions
Most commonly participants choose they would use this feature once every 2 – 3 months (n=9) or only when they were prescribed a new medication (n=10).
The top three situations, participants would use this feature are:
Prescribed a new medication (n=23)
Get a new pharmacy benefit manager (n=18)
Get a new health insurance plan (n=16)
Some ideas to make this feature better as recommended by participant’s included:
Want a quick way to compare pricing i.e. show all prices as 90 days and all prices as 30 days (n=6)
Want to see the side effects of the medication on the medication information page (n=3)